sunAbout Hugs4U

Our Mission

Hugs4U's mission is to fuel and intensify the progress our society is making towards a healthy, sustainable, unified, global culture. We are dedicated to helping the world become a more positive place through humility, acceptance, love, and forgiveness. Hugs4U strives to be a positive asset to both the local and the global community. We seek to create change within our society and believe that with love, honesty, patience, and persistence, our goal can be achieved.

My History and Motivation

Hugs4U kind of started as a joke, but as I thought about it, and I considered the challenging world we live in, I decided that having a safe forum for collaboration and mutual support has a lot of value in Columbus. I'll continue with a brief glimpse of my past. I moved to Columbus on December 24, 2002 and have since lived here most of the time.  For most of that time, I felt like I was  drifting without an anchor or a purpose, and I was perpetually dissatisfied.  I accepted that I was powerless over my life and happiness, so I attempted to keep myself numb at all times.

Because I had lost (or never really learned how to develop) love for myself, I was incapable of loving or appreciating anything!  Smothered by shame and drowning in fear, I avoided people as much as possible.  Having tried the contemporary avenues for relief, I lost faith in, and hope for, the path society is is trudging.

I began studying and writing, seeking answers within myself.  Slowly I began to decipher patterns in our chaotic world, but also in my own thinking patterns and mood.  The world around me started to actually make sense; I recognized that the perceptions I'd developed by blindly accepting the American consumerist point of view, were delusions and flawed beyond repair.  Journaling, meditation, and willingness were some of the tools I used to pull myself out of that hole.

I'm disappointed with the malfunction of our society and I realize it is OUR responsibility to create change.  We've been conditioned to be lazy and apathetic by our rulers.  It's overwhelming to recognize just how thoroughly we've been deceived and kept in the dark.

Now that I found my way out of the prison of materialism, I'm passionate about helping others to find their way out, and reminding this sick socio-economic culture that this isn't how we're supposed to live.  Thank you to all the wonderful people who are part of the Evolver Social Movement and other amazing groups manifesting to create a better place for us to call home!  I  appreciate the opportunity to co-create and become one!  Together, we are much greater than the sum of our parts!

I recognized that I needed help, and the Columbus/Central Ohio region is in need of a lot of help with organization, promotion, education, fundraising, collaboration, and just plain catching up to do.  Having met some  of the wonderful people in Evolver:Indy and Evolver:Pittsburgh, and seeing the experience they have to offer, I am hoping we can obtain some assistance and support from our neighboring spores, Indianapolis and Pittsburgh.  Having already developed working solutions, the hope is this will expedite the Columbus Spore's development and thus the community's transition.

If you would like to get involved and help in ANY way, please contact me.

Thanks for your interest and concern,
<3 Greg Dietrich



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